GENERATION LOSS - The loss of quality between subsequent copies or transcodes of data. Anything that reduces the quality of the representation when copying, and would cause further reduction in quality on making a copy of the copy, can be considered a form of generation loss. File size increases are a common result of generation loss, as the introduction of artifacts may actually increase the entropy of the data through each generation.
KIPPLE - A word coined by the science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. It refers to the sinister type of rubbish which simply builds up without any human intervention. Eventually, one day, the entire world will have moved to a state of kipplization.
MERCERISM - Centered around a martyr known as Wilbur Mercer. Together, followers would fuse with Mercer through the use of an empathy box, during which they would see Mercer endlessly climbing up a hill whilst he was endlessly pelted by stones. In actuality, Mercerism was manufactured by an unknown party; Mercer's ascent was filmed on a soundstage. Mercer himself was played by Al Jarry, while the rocks hurled at him and injuries sustained were fake.
SOURCERY - Source code capable of manipulating the physical environment. Akin to magic, spells or alchemy.
SKEUOMORPH - A derivative object that retains ornamental design cues (attributes) from structures that were necessary in the original. Examples include pottery embellished with imitation rivets reminiscent of similar pots made of metal and a software calendar that imitates the appearance of binding on a paper desk calendar.
CARGO CULT PROGRAMMING - A style of computer programming characterized by the ritual inclusion of code or program structures that serve no real purpose. Cargo cult programming is symptomatic of a programmer not understanding either a bug they were attempting to solve or the apparent solution. The term cargo cult programmer may apply when anyone inexperienced with the problem at hand copies some program code from one place to another with little understanding of how it works or whether it is required.
MAGIC - In the context of computer programming, magic is an informal term for abstraction; it is used to describe code that “automagically” handles complex tasks while hiding that complexity to present a simple interface. The term is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, and often carries bad connotations, implying that the true behavior of the code is not immediately apparent.
DEEP MAGIC - Refers to techniques that are not widely known, and may be deliberately kept secret.
HEAVY WIZARDRY - Refers to code based on obscure or undocumented intricacies of particular hardware or software. Often intentional on the part of the programmer.
ARTIFICIAL AESTHETICS - visual cues created unintentionally by machines. Usually perceivable by humans for their lack of human authenticity.
BENDING (circuit) - the act of altering an electronic signal in order to achieve unexpected results. While still allowing the circuit to function.
BENDING (data) - the act of altering code or data in order to achieve unexpected results. Without corrupting the file or dataset however.
TECH OUT - when one is out of ideas or lacks motivation. It’s best to focus on making things as technically amazing as possible. This may lead to new ground or discoveries.
SCHOOLS OF MAGIC - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook for the AD&D Game. [2nd ed.], TSR, 1995 – states:
TRANSMUTATION - this school focuses on the ability to change matter. Spells in this school alter the properties of their targets.
ILLUSION - this school involves the ability to change the appearance of something.
ENCHANTMENT - this school is focused on affecting the minds of others including influencing or controlling their behavior.
DIVINATION - this school is focused on acquiring and revealing information.
CONJURATION - this school is focused on instantaneous transportation, conjuring manifestations of creatures, energy or objects, and object creation.
EVOCATION - this school pertains to "creating matter and energy, called up out of nothing".
NECROMANCY - Necromancy spells involve death, undeath, and the manipulation of life energy.
ABJURATION - this school is focused on protective spells, as well as those which block or interfere with other spells.
UNIVERSAL - these spells can "affect other spells or change the very nature of magic or reality itself". As universal spells are not a school, per se, no one can specialize in them.